August 22, 2011

Rihanna FINALLY got rid of that Mcdonalds WIG

 I need for everyone that reads this to give the Lord... a GOOD 30sec praise!!!!! OMG... I have prayed for this day!! lol Rihanna girl, that RED hair was really LATE of you. But at least you were wearing stocking cap wigs cause you still got ya still got them edges but you STILL neglecting a PERM huh? But I ain't gon' complain you did something right. 
 Too bad she still looking for attention... I guess that's what you do when you can't sing or all you have to offer is SEX... oops... CLOCK'D!
 Hair looks good... but why does she look 40 in this turquoise flamingo highwaters number? & are those THE ONLY PAIR OF LOUBOUTINS SHE GOT... oops, CLOCK'D!!!