The dynamic duo have DONE IT!!!!
The highly-anticipated collabo is at # 1!!! WTT sold 436,000 copies in it's first week. It is second the largest 1st week sales of the year, Lady Gag's Born This Way, which was 1.1 million in May (which is understandable when you're selling your album on iTunes & Amazon for 75cent.... -__-)
WTT was downladed 321,000 times, giving it the second largest digital week ever behind Gaga's Born This Way (662,000) for 75 damn cents... (broke bitch).
Congrats Jay-Z & Kanye... can't wait to get my $20 tix to the concert... cause ya'll a DAMN FOOL to think I'm gon' pay more than a $200 for ya'll concert... betta be free concessions after & a meet & greet included! lol