August 17, 2011

Lil Kim.... Michael Jackson...

Lil Kim, Lil Kim, Lil Kim.... bless her heart. She can't catch a break to save her human lace fronts. I'm a Lil Kim fan & have been for a while. But her marketing skills aren't what they use to be. I really think she messed up wit the plastic surgery...she was pretty without it.
The Queen B (which i still think she is, because Nicki Minaj is a good rapper, but def not originial) paid homage to the King of Pop with the classic glittery glover, sequin jacket, & the OH SO classic crotch grab during her performance in Perth, Australia at the WinterBeatz Festival. 

I'm surprised she ain't have nothing to say about Nicki Minaj.... cuz she would blast her EVERY performance (that's wen she could get a gig... oops... CLOCK'D!)